A Meeting Of Artistic Minds - with Marcus Method

Marcus talks about the street art space in general, how he found his own personal style, the ways in which social media can affect the ways that artists create, and why it's okay to make money in art.


Architecture contains a simplicity of design that must be instantly communicable to anyone viewing it. Marcus has adopted this approach to his own style and work.

Social media is a gift in some respects, and is a useful and necessary tool. But there is a danger of allowing social media to influence the way you create and the output you produce.

Creating for our own satisfaction is one thing, but if we truly wish to make a career out of art, we have to embrace the monetary side of things.

Creativity can sometimes be stalled if we find ourselves too satisfied. Being happy is about enjoying the journey to the next point in our creative lives.


Finding The Will To Deal With Any Challenge - with Chloe McNiven


Pushing Through Barriers And Creating In A New World - with Gary McQueen