Street Art Connects Us - with Ben Eine

Steven talks to Ben about the home of street art, and how it should be used as a tool to revitalise communities, how all street art is the art of "getting over", and why your passion should always be your driving force.


Street art has the power to enliven a place, and empower communities. It should be used as a way of revitalising a place that needs colour.

If you have passion, belief and self-motivation, then money and renown isn't that important in our quest to create.

The governing bodies who control society are doing a bad job of inspiring and caring for us all. It is up to us to inject positivity and beauty into the world.

Discipline gives us a sense of self-worth. Pursuits such as sport and art grant us ways to focus and connect with others, inspiring us to work harder on being the best versions of ourselves.


Art Is A Reflection Of Life - with RISK


Shaping Your Artistic Path - with Alan Ket