The Unexpected Route To Happiness - with David Cotterill
It doesn't matter if experiences have been bad or good, there are always learnings we can take in order to develop and grow.
Mind-set is the key to overcoming the problems of addiction. The same powers of mind that help us to win, can also help us to reach higher when we hit the bottom.
We should never place the weight of expectation too heavily upon those we nurture. Life is what we dream it to be. We should never crush the dreams of those we guide in order to achieve our own goals.
Material possessions can only improve certain moments in life. They never provide true, lasting happiness. Happiness comes from pushing ourselves further, achieving more, and becoming the best version of ourselves.
'The definition of wisdom is learning from other people's experiences - good or bad'
'I knew what I wanted, and I knew that I'd practiced enough in order to achieve those goals'
'It's important that children follow their own dreams, and not their parents'
'Unless you yourself want to be better, you're never going to do it'
The Steven Sulley Study
The David Cotterill Foundation -
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The Steven Sulley Study is my take on success. My view is you should have multiple focuses to be a well-rounded individual. Success shouldn't be just one thing like money, for example, it should also consist of a healthy fit lifestyle and thriving relationships.
As a person who has made a success in life and also made huge cock-ups I feel I can offer suggestions and tips on how to become successful or at least start your pursuit. My 'Study' has taken resources from reading and education plus being around, my perception, of successful people and I, know a lot of successful people from all walks of life.
My 'Study' coming from my experiences in business, investing, sales (my core background), training, boxing and education has enabled me to become well rounded and successful and I will help you in these key areas too.