The Places You Go To Be Inspired - with Marc Craig
Marc's art is described by himself as an unconscious language of symbols that is constantly evolving, that adds together to create a visionary adventure and journey.
All artistic inspiration is a subconscious appreciation of the imagery and design that sparks our imagination throughout life.
There is always a hallowed time in any artist's day, when all the wheels seem to click and imagination fires on all cylinders. It is during these moments that the true creativity reigns.
Things in general life enter into our space and disrupt the road for us. We can either allow ourselves to be derailed, or we can embrace the disruption and use it to follow a new road.
'My art is doodle-esque appreciation of surfaces'
'There are many artists out there who have this process'
'The stuff that pours out of me just blows me away'
'What's within your power to make a creative choice that means you're choosing to go with the flow'
The Steven Sulley Study
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